
敢讲你知 - 关于爱滋病暴露前预防药物


The THREE purposes of Gathering Journal (GJ)

  1. For ‘quantified sexual self’ motives: to provide the users a self-tracking tool to incorporate digital technology and quantitative data acquisition into sexual life at low cost.
  2. ⁠For sexual health reasons: to help the users to record the details of each sexual encounter, tracking their behavior to sexual health especially in HIV/STDs prevention like PrEP protection, PrEP usage, condom usage, vaccination records, and sexual health-related laboratory test records, etc.
  3. For emotional needs: to let the users know their mental condition via the self-administered Depression Test (PHQ-9) and Anxiety Test (GAD-7) and mark down every sex episode memorable.

What Gathering Journal (GJ) is?

GJ is a simple sex tracker app with up to 5 key themes including user’s profile, partners’ profile, calendar of sex episodes, medical records, and statistics; and more than 10 parameters are at your disposal to keep track of: date, time, partners, sexual activities, moods, condom usage, PrEP protection, drug use, money transaction, thoughts after sex and so on.

Users’ profile and partners’ profile can be supplemented with such data like gender identity, sexual identity, racial/ethnic identity, sexual orientation, sex position, sex preferences, hormone intake, and relationship status, etc.

There are three categories under medical records namely laboratory test records, medication records, and vaccination records.

Custom statistics and summary reports provide insights about your condom/total protection use rate, sex count and average mood.

Invitation to participate in HKU sociological research

We would like to focus on MSM and conduct a study concerning the PrEP usage and HIV risk factors on MSM, using data exported from app for analysis. A mixed method will be employed which consists of two parts:

Part I Quantitative research (questionnaire/survey): The questionnaire will ask about the pattern of PrEP use, sexual partner information, sexual episodes, use of drugs, mood situation, and patterns of app use, etc.

Part II Qualitative research (In-depth interviews): The in-depth interview will ask about the history of sexuality, risky sexual behavior, and PrEP knowledge and usage, etc.

We would like to make use of this opportunity to invite our app users with consent needed and incentives provided to participate in such research conducted by HKU Sociology Department. Further details will be announced later.

NGO publicity corner and sexual health information updates